Mission Statement
- We will work with you to provide care that meets your needs and wishes. We will explain options, where appropriate, and costs so that you can make an informed choice. We will always explain what we are proposing to do and tell you about any significant risks.
- We aim to provide dental care of a consistently good quality for all patients. We have management systems to help us and these define each practice member’s responsibilities when looking after you
- Practice working methods are reviewed regularly at staff meetings. We encourage staff to make suggestions for improving the way we care for our patients
- We look after your general health and safety while receiving dental care. We will ask you about your general health and about any medicines that you are taking. This helps us to treat you safely. We keep all information about you confidential
- Infection control and cleanliness are also essential to the safety of our patients. All staff working in clinical practice receive training on the current standards of infection control
- We screen all patients for mouth cancer at routine checkups. We discuss tobacco and alcohol use because they increase your oral cancer risk
- All staff in the practice take part in continuing professional education to keep our skills and knowledge up-to-date
- All staff joining the practice are given training in practice procedures. Once a year there is an individual review of training needs for everyone in the practice
- We regularly ask patients for their views on our services. We have systems for dealing promptly with patient complaints and for ensuring that lessons are learnt from any mistakes that we make. We encourage feedback.
- Every member of the practice is aware of the need to work safely under General Dental Council guidelines.